دسترسی به یک متغیر از code in line در codebehind

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how to call a variable in code behind to aspx page

The field must be declared public for proper visibility from the ASPX markup. In any case, you could declare a property:

private string clients;
public string Clients { get { return clients; } }

UPDATE: It can also be declared as protected, as stated in the comments below.

Then, to call it on the ASPX side:


Note that this won’t work if you place it on a server tag attribute. For example:

<asp:Label runat=”server” Text=”<%=Clients%>” />

This isn’t valid. This is:


بیشتر بخوانید:   دسترسی به همه کنترل های موجود در فرم ASP.NET با C#

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